So it's 1:30 in the morning here. I should probably get some sleep but it's just not happening yet. Sometimes thoughts strike out at me and refuse to leave me be until I jot them down, or (more usually) debate them in my own mind until I become so numb I can fall asleep anyways.
On tonight's agenda are two things, one a general rant and the other more of a personal problem. So, which would you like to hear first? General rant? Okay the rant it is. (say THAT 3 times reat fast....)
Imperialism, not pride, goeth before the fall. The roman empire fell to the Germanic tribes because they assumed that the weaker WANTED to live in the same manner as the strong (this should be ringing some bells, but I'll go into that later). Of course this was, basically, forcing their way of life upon those who were "weaker" and, in the end, that caused such a massive amount of hatred towards the roman empire that it collapsed under the weight of it. Lets take this analogy a bit closer to home. To our very own revolution in fact. Did we not rebel against the brittish empire (whom the sun had "never gone down on" at that point) because they were trying to force their way of life upon us, in the form of taxes and the torries who enforced them? Now think for a moment... isn't America playing the same imperialistic role now, as both the Roman and English empires did in their own time? And it didn't work for either of them, so if we continue along this path can we really expect it to work any better for us?
Okay, well I got that out of the way so now on to my personal problem, which seems somehow smaller after that, so I'm not sure how much detail I'll go into about it. Actually.... I don't think it warrants telling at all, now that I think about it. It's nothing that won't resolve itself without me stating it, and I should really get some sleep.
"To all, to each , a fair good night,
And pleasing dreams, and slumbers light."